The Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival, Abbott’s custard and CMAC–yes summer has arrived and with it, we would like to share with you style concepts that will keep you tuned in and comfortable in the heat and humidity.
Like no other fiber, Linen, without question, gets our top nod for summer comfort and sophistication. It’s light as well as comfortable. Being one of the most misunderstood fabrics out there, it will keep you as cool as possible when the summer heat beats down hard. People always tell me that it wrinkles too much, but my retort has always been that it is a wrinkle associated with a sophisticated fabric and not one linked to a sloppy look. It breathes and wicks away body heat so you feel relaxed and comfortable in the heat. Below, find linen dressed in all it’s sophistication and style…
Other fibers that enjoy summer’s spotlight are cotton and silk, for the same reasons of comfort and style.Their lightweight qualities provide comfort. When the temperature rises, these fabrics help keep you cool, collected, and allow the body to adapt to the environment quicker, freeing you to function normally when the “heat” is on. Enjoyed for centuries, the world over, these royalty inspired yarns are another option for beating the summer heat and humidity.
More recently, the Seersucker cloth has come back into the eye of the fashionistas. Suits, jackets and shirts made from this cloth also allow for lightweight summer sophistication and style. Below, find an example to tease the senses.
We should not loose sight of the value of wool in the summer months, too. In the right weight and weaves wool can be worn comfortably. The Italian and their innovative minds have developed a new summer cloth which actually reflects the ultra-violet rays of the sun, making a dark “Sartorial” suit easy to wear, even in direct sunlight.
Now that we have shared this little tutorial with you and hope that you have enjoyed it, we here at OMERO’S wish you a safe and happy summer!
DRESS Passionately